Investičný partner
Investíciu podporuje náš investičný partner Crowdberry, ktorý poskytuje potrebnú podporu, platformu na získavanie finančných prostriedkov a pomáha nám s úspechom našej kampane.
Crowdberry prináša revolúciu v spôsobe, akým inovatívne a rýchlo rastúce spoločnosti ako Ecocapsule získavajú financovanie. Jeho ekosystém ponúka alternatívu k tradičnému investovaniu, pričom kombinuje fondy, priame investície a platformu hromadného investovania.
Direct co-ownership of companies
Equity investing
Comprehensive investment documentation
Experienced professionals
Personal contact with founders
Meet the entire team
1200+Employees of financed companies
Invest in Ecocapsule with Crowdberry
Be part of Ecocapsule's success and contribute to the greater goal of providing sustainable smart homes. Over 100 Crowdberry investors have already joined the Ecocapsule story and have enabled the production of micro-houses and helped finance entering the global market. If you're interested, go to our platform and indicate your interest today.